
A brief introduction is required to give all these randoms entries some meaning:

For a long time Elaine and myself had discussed the idea of travelling and now those conversations have come to fruition and we set the date 23/9/10 to begin this trip in Delhi, India. To coincide with this we decided on volunteering for a period with the Hope Foundation on reaching Kolkata; which Elaine had volunteered for earlier this year. We will both make entries over the coming months and the aim is to hopefully give an honest reflection of the locations we have visited and our own experiences.

*Note: the following comments are not those of the Hope Foundation and should not be seen as reflection upon the charity or the invaluable work it does.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I never said I was a golden god... or did I? - Almost Famous (2000)

(Click to Enlarge)
Here is the article that was published in the Irish Post, an interview with the both of us.

Patrick (16th of January 2011)

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